Friday, November 25, 2011


Ok it's one of those days where I have a gazillion things I "should" be doing but I find myself at this computer writing down my salsa recipe. Is this of any importance? Ask the people of Manzanillo who beat down my door begging me to make some for them. haha I know I know ... I wish they'd beat down my door to ask me about Jesus, but for now Salsa will have to do :) Baby steps, people. Baby steps!

What you will need:
4 tomatoes (ripe, of course)
1 large or 2 small Ajis (this is a long skinny green pepper that is NOT hot. see pic)
2 medium size red onions
2 stalks of celery (or 3 Tbs of celery salt will work)
1 clove of garlic (if you want to hate me in the morning use 2, don't be scared ... I do!)
1/4 cup oil (yes, that is a measurement for all you haterz out there!)
1 capful vinegar (most of the time I use White, but have used lots of diff types)
2 ounce pouch of tomato paste (I think 2-3 of TBS of paste is prob the equivalent)
Juice of 2 limes
Salt & Pepper to taste
Cilantro, oh how I love thee! I use a large handful of this stuff (and you should too)!
optional: red pepper flakes or jalapeƱo (not really optional for me, but I know you are gonna leave out stuff anyways and I don't want you feeling all rebellious ...) lol
Don't forget the chips! Preferably I like the white corn chips with this salsa. The yellow corn chips just don't do it for me ...

For those of you out there with a Vitamix:
You know what to do :)

For those of you with a small food processor:
I chop up each veggie by itself and add to the bowl individually. I don't know why,probably because I am O.C.D. like that (not that I would ever admit that to my hubby)!

For those of you with only a knife:
I will pray for you :)

Ready to get started? Add all those yummy chopped up veggies (ok, fruits too for all you who really think the tomato is a fruit ... gah, you all are so easily convinced) ... no ugly comments, please! lol

Where was I???? Oh yeah, stir it up and put it in the fridge for a couple of hours. You MAY taste test, but do NOT (I repeat, DO NOT) eat it yet. It is NOT ready. Don't make me hurt you. Put down the chip ... NOW!!!!

I promise you it will be worth it ... to wait. By the way, I don't care if you like it or not. Its my recipe and I like it. So there! Don't be a hater ... I am just kidding, gah! :)

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